Jay P. Wilcox, Author and Illustrator

Author & Illustrator


Head shot, December 2016.jpg


I am currently seeking representation for my debut novel MOTEL RITUALS, which has been described as Pan’s Labyrinth set in a series of cheap motels. Read the query letter under Writing.

About me

I am interested in creative writing and all things scientific. I completed my MFA in fiction at Bennington College in January 2016. I teach Writing in Maryland.

I write fiction and poetry. I also enjoy illustrating, playing guitar, and throwing straws for my cat to chase. Some of my illustrations can be found at the bottom of this page. Current writing projects can be found under "Writing" at the top.

Thank you to my friends, family, and teachers--especially Alice Mattison, David Gates, Bret Anthony Johnston, Rachel Pastan, Amy Hempel, Sally Shivnan, Simon Stacey, Suzanne Braunschweig, and the Daedalus Writers' Workshop.




2022 Teaching Award, Maryland Association for Adult, Community, and Continuing Education (MAACCE)

2012 Third Place, University of Maryland, Baltimore County’s First Annual Poetry Slam

2012 Malcolm C. Braly and Bartleby Fiction Awards

2011 Malcolm C. Braly Fiction Award

Member, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society

Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society

Member, Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society

Member, UMBC Honors College


“Zen and the Art of Test-Taking.” Presented at Frederick Community College, February 2020

“Professional Development: Teaching Reading.” Presented at Frederick Community College, February 2020

“Effective Essay Writing for GED Students.” Presented at Frederick Community College, January 2019

“Cracking the Code: Reading College Textbooks.” Presented at Frederick Community College, March 2017.

“Narrative Distance (or Things I Found Interesting but Didn’t Know How to Explain—at Least, Not Right Away).”  
  Presented at Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont, January 2016


Digital Literacy Framework for Adult Learners: Instructor implementation Guide - MD Dept. of Labor (Contributor)        

August 2020

"THe Illustrator" -- Excerpt from novella published in The end of the world, Inaugural issue of Bennington College's Literary journal

January 2016

An excerpt from my novella "The Illustrator" appeared in the first issue of Bennington College's revamped literary magazine The End of the World.

"Music for Parasites," "In the Desert," "Sediment of a dream," "No time to Kill," "Arrival in the witching hour," "lantern fish: or, how I survived visit to the farthest corner of the world"

The short stories listed above have appeared in Bartleby, the literary arts journal for the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, between 2010 and 2013. "Music for Parasites" and "In the Desert" won the University's Malcolm C. Braly Award for Fiction, and "In the Desert" also won the Bartleby Award for Fiction.



Some Favorites

Cormac McCarthy

Richard Matheson

Joyce Carol Oates

Truman Capote

Toni Morrison

Kazuo Ishiguro

Stephen King

John Cheever

John Steinbeck




Bennington College

MFA Fiction

Graduated January 2016


University of Maryland, Baltimore County

B.S. Environmental Science

Graduated December 2012



& ORganizations

2012 Malcolm C. Braly and Bartleby Fiction Awards

2011 Malcolm C. Braly Fiction Award

Third Place, 2012 UMBC Homecoming Poetry Slam

Member, UMBC Honors College

Member, Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society

Member, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society

Member, Omicron Delta Kappa Leadership Society


Email: jwilcox531@gmail.com
phone: available upon request

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