Newsletter from Jay Wilcox - July 2019: On Disney Movies and Riding into the Sunset

Good morning/afternoon/evening,

We don't admire Admiral Ackbar for his looks.

I remember reading that the "Return of the Jedi" crew mocked Ackbar's character design, claiming he was too ugly. Richard Marquand, the director, insisted on keeping the design, to show kids that beauty didn't necessarily equal goodness. We admire Ackbar not for his canthal tilt, but rather his keen trap-identification skills.

Our media have trained us to love simple messages. Beauty equals goodness. Owning a home and having kids equals success. I think about this as I peruse social media and see people my age who Have Their Lives Together, with babies, degrees, houses, more babies.

Good on them, for living that life. I harbor no resentment.

But how many of us are anticipating some ride into the sunset--some perfect moment right before the credits roll, when adulting finally comes naturally? We want a point where we've succeeded so thoroughly that we can take our hands off the wheel. Instead, every day is a big damn struggle, while being on social media is like watching a Disney movie through someone else's carefully-placed windows.

For what it's worth, they're all Disney movies now. I heard that company just bought Halliburton.

But back to my point: maybe even the people who have Made It™ sometimes lie awake at night and wonder "What next?" Maybe life is the only game you have to keep playing after you "win," and it doesn't have to be pretty or fun or exciting to be good.

I'm writing a novel, which feels pretty good. It's called Music for Parasites, and to check out its elevator pitch, visit my website at I'm about 40 percent of the way through another round of revisions--with help from my lovely girlfriend, Hannah--and I sincerely look forward to sharing the finished product with you soon.

Thank you for taking the time.

Infinite Regards,


Jay Wilcox