Newsletter from Jay Wilcox - September 2022: On Revision

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

I'm getting married this month. That is the biggest, most important thing in my life.

I'm also starting as a full-time lecturer in Writing with the University of Maryland. My present would surprise and impress my past self--and so much of this moment comes from recognizing opportunities and being open to new experiences. I said yes to a lot of stuff to get to where I am today. This edition of the newsletter is called "On Revision," because I view life like a manuscript in progress. That is, the necessary changes might not be evident right away. If you're not at least somewhat agreeable to the unfamiliar, to feedback beyond your comfort zone, you'll miss your potential.

Hannah and I have actually been legally married for a year. We had originally planned to get married in 2022--but when she got a job with spousal benefits in 2021, we figured we'd sign the docs a year early. We see the wedding this September as a chance to celebrate with loved ones, toasting a relationship that has synergistically boosted each of our power levels and made us stronger individuals. To quote the ancient texts: with Hannah, it's always Morphin' Time!

I just read this aloud to Hannah, and she said that only nineties kids would understand that the phrase "It's Morphin' Time!" is from Power Rangers. She always helps me with my references. She is so smart.

Honestly, I'm of the opinion that your best friends will challenge you just as much as they will celebrate your growth. In 2019 or so, I was talking with a friend from college who lamented some of the changes in my life. I used to be a clown. Perpetually single and for good reason, I used humor to keep people at a safe distance. "We feel like the crazy Jay we fell in love with in college is slipping away," this person said.

I should hope the college version of myself has slipped away! That Jay was a a suicidal, inconsiderate wreck, ready to trade anything for a laugh. Humor was my hand on the spotlight, ready to yank it away from any sort of self-reflection. The people I keep in my life today recognize my growth and glow. I credit the removal of my psychological bandages to a solid relationship with Hannah and the opportunity to do work that I love--to the GED classes I taught in church basements and rescue missions and Goodwill distribution centers, every opportunity I've found beyond my comfort zone.

Look, to continue my previous exegesis: the Power Rangers win their battles through collaborative transformation, assembling into the mighty Megazord. The sum is greater than its parts, and those who fear change fear life. For our honeymoon, Hannah and I will be going to adult space camp in Huntsville, Alabama. We've planned a road trip with all kinds of fun, life-changing stops along the way. I may or may not write about it--but in the meantime, I hope you're well. May all your transformations be positive.

Infinite Regards,


Jay Wilcox